make sure you don't have white space in path names to JDK or JBoss if you're on Windows, that your JAVA_HOME is set correctly (to JDK, not JRE), and that you upgrade to 3.2.4RC1 if you're running on Tomcat 5

public class JspServlet extends javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet implements PeriodicEventListener. The JSP engine (a.k.a Jasper). The servlet container is responsible for providing a URLClassLoader for the web application context Jasper is being used in. Jasper will try get the Tomcat ServletContext attribute for its ServletContext class loader, if that fails, it uses the parent class loader. 1 /* 2 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more 3 * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with 4 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. org.apache.jasper.servlet public class: JspServlet [javadoc | source] java.lang.Object javax.servlet.GenericServlet javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet org.apache.jasper if may help: i've the same issue with a simple html page that do a select* from a postgres table. The issue was that i've imported my external library by build path but in the webContent file result missed all the library i imported. public class JettyJspServlet extends org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet JettyJspServlet Wrapper for the jsp servlet that handles receiving requests mapped from jsp-property-groups. Mappings could be wildcard urls like "/*", which would include welcome files, but we need those to be handled by the DefaultServlet. Note: This artifact was moved to: . org.apache.tomcat » tomcat-jasper: Central (24) OW2 Public (1) Tomitribe Pub (2) Hm, second time within five minutes I answer the same question org.apache.jsp.content_jsp._jspService( line of the stacktrace is telling you that on line 83 of the generated servlet sourcefile a NullPointerException was generated.

hi, I'm newbie in mysql in tomcat.MySql has hooked in CoreJava,but not working in Tomcat. I've sent my class path as well. Classpath is ----- C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 5.5\common\lib\servlet-api.jar;C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 5.5\common\lib\jsp-api.jar;C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.5.0_07\lib\ext\;C:\Program Files\javamail-1.4\lib\mailapi

Set all parameters on the org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet instance defined in the webdefault.xml file. Note Be careful: for all of these parameters, if the value you set doesn’t take effect, try using all lower case instead of camel case, or capitalizing only some of the words in the name, as JSP is inconsistent in its parameter naming Apr 21, 2017 · java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Integer cannot be cast to java.lang.String Type Exception Report. Message java.lang.ClassFormatError: Truncated class file. Description The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.

WebHCat API. Another web interface that can be used for Hive commands is WebHCat, a REST API (not a GUI). With WebHCat, applications can make HTTP requests to access the Hive metastore (HCatalog DDL) or to create and queue Hive queries and commands, Pig jobs, and MapReduce or YARN jobs (either standard or streaming).

make sure you don't have white space in path names to JDK or JBoss if you're on Windows, that your JAVA_HOME is set correctly (to JDK, not JRE), and that you upgrade to 3.2.4RC1 if you're running on Tomcat 5 Error Page. An exception was thrown: org.apache.jasper.JasperException View the details of this error Aug 29, 2012 · Struts 2 is using the freemaker framework as the default template engine, all ftl files are written in freemaker script. No worry, the freemarker syntax is almost in human explains words, it’s quite easy to learn. May 20, 2016 · Bug 1337940 - Tomcat 7.0.65 does not compile JSPs with JDK 8 (even not simplest official Apache Tomcat Sample war file)