Sock puppet [Internet] - English Only forum sock somebody on the shoulder - English Only forum to sock up - English Only forum 访问Chinese 论坛。帮助 WordReference: 在论坛上提问。 查看谷歌的机器翻译 'sock'. 其他语言: 西班牙语 | 法语 | 意大利语 | |

His Queen-Washington sock puppet alone had created 577 articles, beginning in the summer of 2017. Many are women volleyball players. Many are women volleyball players. Sockpuppet (internet) – Wikipedia 2020-7-20 · Catfishing är en typ av bedrägeri som innebär att en person skapar en falsk profil på ett socialt nätverk, till exempel på Facebook, med olika syften, ibland kriminellt.[1] En person som gör detta kallas för catfish. Den falska profilen kallas för marionett (eng. sock puppet)[2]. Termen catfish myntades i den amerikanske Sock Puppet | Definition of Sock Puppet by Merriam-Webster

What is a Sock Puppet Website? (with picture)

What is a Sockpuppet (on the Internet)? - Definition from 2013-10-24 · Sockpuppet: A sockpuppet is a phony name or identity created by an online user to argue, bully or review products as another person. Sockpuppets have a long and storied history; they were once well-known for responding to their own Usenet or blog posts. Nowadays, they also post on social media sites and even review their own work on What is sock puppet? - Definition from sock puppet: A sock puppet, in the context of online communications, is a fake identity created to promote someone or something through blogs, wikis, forums or social …

Sock Puppet. 177 likes. To make fun of crap and point out crapHave fun here, and be intelligent. Stupidity will be rewarded by constant mockery.

Sock puppet marketing is the use of a fake identity to artificially stimulate demand for a product, brand or service. A fake online identity created for marketing purposes is known colloquially as a sock puppet. Sock puppet marketing is one exampl sockpuppet (internet)中文_sockpuppet … sockpuppet (internet)的中文意思:甲 (路名)…,查阅sockpuppet (internet)的详细中文翻译、发音、用法和例句等。甲 (路名) "internet"中文翻译 n.【计算机】互联网。 -ize 使因特网化。 "sockpuppet"中文翻译 分身id "internet"中文翻译 n.【计算机】因特网,国际 Socked Into the Puppet-Hole on Wikipedia | WIRED His Queen-Washington sock puppet alone had created 577 articles, beginning in the summer of 2017. Many are women volleyball players. Many are women volleyball players. Sockpuppet (internet) – Wikipedia 2020-7-20 · Catfishing är en typ av bedrägeri som innebär att en person skapar en falsk profil på ett socialt nätverk, till exempel på Facebook, med olika syften, ibland kriminellt.[1] En person som gör detta kallas för catfish. Den falska profilen kallas för marionett (eng. sock puppet)[2]. Termen catfish myntades i den amerikanske